Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The End...or just the Beginning?

I am officially back in the United States...the expression "bittersweet" has never had more of a clear definition then this moment in my life.  I left a part of my heart in the Philippines.  Yet, I know that God works in seasons and his timing is above all, perfect.  So now I just trust Him through this next season of preparation for my return to the Philippines in the hopefully very near future.

My last few weeks were quite eventful.  We continued to minister on Samal Island on Saturdays, and spoke in a few different churches on Sundays during the last few weeks.  The last Saturday outreach on Samal was my favorite of the whole internship--it was completely natural, and fun!  Myself, and two others went out into this neighborhood and the first house we went to was an open door to what seemed like the whole village.   Before we knew it nearly 50 kids were around, teens, and adults of all ages.   We ended up staying there for hours sharing the Love of Christ and playing games with the kids.  Many were healed and set free.  It was an awesome time.  

Teaching Sunday School
At the home that opened up the village

Some of the crowd gathering

I also said my goodbyes to those that I had been meeting with on a regular basis in the Agdao area.  One older man, who I had visited several times actually cried when I told him I was leaving.  He said he was so encouraged by my visits which in turn, encouraged me :-).   I pray that God continues to bring more divine appointments his way. Additionally, I was able to serve the Agdao Church by helping clean their church since they were moving buildings.

The rest of my time I focused mostly on the relationships that had developed there.  So I spent time with other missionaries and some of the Filipinos that are on the team that I am close with.  We did all sorts of fun stuff like zip-lining, the beach, evangelism, eat street food, crocodile park, and the list goes on.  
Jin & I on our "street meat adventure"
Eating Chicken Intestine
Zip lining w/the girls!

My time in the Philippines has been a time of fruitfulness and transition.  I am so thankful that the Lord orchestrated such a divine season in my life.  My heart was wrecked for the lost, and my view of ministry has been radically transformed.  I am encouraged and determined to press forward towards the prize which has been set before me, Jesus Christ.  He is the reason and center of everything I do--and He has become more real to me than ever.   So yes, leaving/returning has been bittersweet, but in my heart I know this is just the beginning.  

Thank you all again for your love, prayers, and support.  :)
