Beauty for Ashes

" bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes..." 
-Isaiah 61:3-

Beauty for Ashes is a ministry dedicated to training, equipping and restoring survivors rescued from sex trafficking and the sex industry in a wide variety of entrepreneruial skills as well as create a safe place to recover and be restored mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.  Our team goes on the streets weekly to proclaim the Gospel and bring HOPE to the hopeless.  Weekly Bible Studies and discipleship training are also offered to the night workers and their families.  

The Future of Beauty for Ashes - Beautiful Coffee

In a Kingdom focused environment former prostitutes and human trafficking survivors will be taught a wide range of business and entrepreneurial skills.    The cafe will create jobs for those who need an exit strategy and will also provide a safe place to be discipled, restored, and made whole.   Above the cafe will be a dormitory for those who need a place to stay, receive prayer ministry, recover, rest, and be restored. 

Please contact me at for more information. 

To contribute to Beauty for Ashes visit and write "Beauty for Ashes - Ricci" in the memo field provided.  

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