Monday, December 31, 2012

Dear 2012...We're breaking up

Dear 2012,

The hour is drawing near and I hate to inform you of the harsh truth...we're over.  Actually, you're over.  But what about all the fun we had together you ask? They are now just memories.  What about the tears of pain and tears of laughter?  Lessons learned. After all, I cannot live clinging to the past but must live in the present, move forward...and it's time to do just that.


Bethany Rachel Ricci

Now, that was merely a lighthearted expression of my "2012 experience."   I do not idolize a number on a calendar in order to make decisions or move forward.  So I'm not looking to 2013 as my saving grace, but I am looking forward to a New Year nonetheless.  I'm not bitter, but I must say the truth...2012 was rough for myself, friends and my family.

Like really rough.   

Pearls are created when there is agitation.   "Pearls are formed inside of certain mollusks as a defense mechanism against a potentially threatening irritant such as a parasite inside its shell, or an attack from outside, injuring the mantle tissue. The mollusk creates a pearl sac to seal off the irritation." Don't quote me on this exactly, it is from Wikipedia after all.  

I know there are pearls of wisdom in the making within me.  This year included a pain, so isolated, so specific, that there was no other choice needed to be made but to allow God to be God.  Not question His motives but take Romans 8:28 to heart.  He is the solution that when we yield to Him, will respond to the irritants by giving us comfort and confidence until out of all the pain a beautiful pearl is made and  a trust in Him so invaluable is gained.  That trust, that pearl, is so worth it. (See Matthew 13:44-46).

Yes, this year was rough.  No, I don't know why it was.  But what I do know is that the fruit that will come from this year's numerous trials and decisions will be long-lasting and will glorify Him.  And honestly, that's all that matters to me.  So for that, i'm thankful for 2012 and what's ahead. 

And with that being said......HAPPY NEW YEAR!


 This entry is In Loving Memory of my Grandfather John Ricci 12/12/12