Sunday, March 17, 2013

Welcome Home!

As my dog howls her alert that the UPS man is near I am reminded yet again of the reality I am in New Jersey-- well that and Missy really does not like packages being delivered to "her" territory.   I often wonder if the UPS man came in the house if she would do anything to discourage his entry or simply love on him like she does to all who enters.  Anyways, that's enough about my adorable pup.    A lot has gone on since my last post so this one will primarily be a brief update on my whereabouts and current status.

"Don't go!" - Leah & I
I left the wonderful state of North Carolina.   During the twelve hour drive back to New Jersey, I reflected on my experiences in NC and was overwhelmed by the faithfulness of God (if you don't already reflect on the testimonies of God in your life, do it!  Especially if you're going through a difficult time! Psalm 119 is a good place to start, too).  My life really did radically change during my time there and I will be forever thankful for my time at FIRE School of Ministry,  FIRE Church....even my job at Servpro.  However,  I am not only thankful for the relationships I made while I was there, I am completely blown away by how God set me up with the right people at the right time.    

The best family AKA Housemates
So why did I leave?  Well first off, it wasn't easy leaving the people and place I had grown to love.   But I love the purposes and promises of God all the more.  So when the opportunity arose for me to return to NJ to save money, raise funds for my missionary journey, and  start a new job,  I prayerfully considered it.  And at the end of the day I didn't want to miss out on a God-ordained opportunity.  In Mark Batterson's book, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, he says this:
"Spiritual maturity is seeing and seizing God-ordained opportunities." 
I purposed in my heart that I do not want to live a life of regrets but a life stewarding the dreams and opportunities God gives me - no matter how scary they are.  So the short answer is this: I left because God prompted me to and all I could do was obey....True story.

It snows here way too often
So here I am, in New Jersey teaching Preschool at The Learning Center at Grace and Peace, spending time with my family and reconnecting with friends as I actively prepare to leave for the missions field by January 2014.   It hasn't been all rainbows and lollipops here but there has been grace for the transition - even with the reverse culture shock (who knew that could happen?!).    But that's where I'm at - seizing God's opportunities  the only way I know how, through obedience.

That's all for this post, but I'm working on my newsletter as well so please let me know if you would like to be added to the mailing list by contacting me at: 

Joyful in Him,


P.S. If you're interested in the book I quoted you can purchase it on Amazon or :-)