Saturday, June 15, 2013

Congrats & Goodbyes

My last newsletter was in April and now here we are, June.  How is it that the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months seem to increasingly pass so quickly?   It seems that the so many changes have taken place just in these few short months since my last update.  I am currently writing a newsletter so I will keep this particular post brief.

In May I was able to visit North Carolina to see my wonderful former roommates graduate Fire School of Ministry.  It was so refreshing to see their faces and visit FIRE Church again.   I am so proud of them and I just know God has amazing things coming their way.  Congrats Sean, Carla, Carlyne, and Rebekah!  I love you guys! 
Sean, Carla, and Carlyne waiting to receive their diplomas! 
Hanging around the old house!

I was also able to see some of my former classmates and we had a mini class reunion!  It was so much fun to catch up with them and see how God is moving in all of their lives. 

Michael, me, Christian, Chloe (honorary class member!), and Aaron

A new newsletter should be sent out shortly with more details about my NC trip and how things are going. I'm really excited to say that things are moving in the right direction as I continue to seek out financial sponsorship to return to the Philippines.  As always, if you want to be added to the list email me at

Lastly, I just want to take a moment to honor a great man who my family had to say goodbye to suddenly; our very dear friend, Eric Grodberg.    His memorial service was one of the most encouraging and God glorifying services I have ever been to.  Hundreds of people from all over the tri-state area came to share about "their Eric."  He was committed to serving the Lord and remaining easy to relate to.  An "includer" by nature, deep thinker, writer, friend, and forever in our hearts.  Grief is a real thing, but thankfully we have hope in Christ - and our loss is heaven's gain. He will be forever missed and I am privileged to have laughed with him, learned from him, got into trouble with him, and loved him. 

