Monday, September 1, 2014

Feeding Hope (August Newsletter)

Greetings from Davao!

There are few places that I can call a “safe haven” when I come into Davao City.  But as I sit in Kanagaroo Coffee Shop with Casting Crowns playing in the background, I find myself for the first time in a long time, relaxed in Davao. Once a week I have a “Davao Day” which is usually scheduled from beginning to end (7am-7pm) with errands, language lessons, grocery shopping and everything else I need to do that I can’t do on Samal.  And coming from rural, jungle Samal to Davao is quite a change and usually causes some over-stimulation as I take in all the smog, trucks, taxis, ads, and everything else fighting for my attention. But I am thankful for Davao and some simple “familiar” comforts it provides with its coffee shops, malls, and food. :)  

Anyways, many of you ask the same thing: “So what’s going on out there?”  I am happy to say that Feeding Hope (the feeding program) is in full swing now, and I am so privileged to be a part of it.  Every Wednesday our team gathers and helps prepare nutritious meals that we bring to the Guilon Elementary & Del Monte High Schools.  Our team splits up to go to either school to help with the feeding and teaching. 

I go to the Elementary School and absolutely love it!  As soon as our car pulls up, it is surrounded by excited children, eager for some love and attention.  With kids stuck to my hips and holding onto me (wherever they can), I make my way to a small area where they all sit down and listen to a Bible Story, learn their Bible Memory Verses for the week, worship, and play games.  

 Families in this region live off as little as $10-20 a month and rarely can afford quality items or nutritional meals.  It is an honor to see that children are fed a nutritional meal and receive tons of hugs from all of us. And their smiles light up the room - it is truly the highlight of my week

                                                            “What else are you doing?” 
My schedule is pretty packed.  From Feeding Hope, helping to redesign the website, team gatherings, watching babies overnight at the orphanage, and living in a third-world country, I have my hands full and busy! I am thankful to be here and so aware of God’s loving care for me and those around me in this season.  

Fall 2014: USA Trip
I will be making a brief trip back to the U.S. this fall!  I am so excited to see many of your faces and hopefully share a meal or have a cup of coffee with as many of you as I can! If you know of any churches, small groups, Bible studies, friends, etc. who would be interested in hearing about all God is doing in the Philippines, please let me know so we can connect.

Thank you for your continued love, support and partnership.  As always, please feel free to contact me at, and follow me on the following social media sites: Facebook, Instagram (BethanyRay86) and Twitter (Bethany_Ricci).

Your Missionary,

Bethany Ricci

How Can You Partner With Me & HFAC?

1. Contribute Monthly or with a one-time gift
You can do so by visiting (please make sure to indicate donation is for Bethany Ricci) Or you may return the self-addressed envelope with donations, and be sure to write “Bethany Ricci” on the memo line of your checks.  All contributions are tax-deductible. :)
2. Prayer Support - please pray for the following:
  • Connections for my trip to the States in the Fall of 2014. 
  • My personal health (specifically skin & sinuses)
  • Continued provision to help fund Feeding Hope, Hope House,and personal expenses.  
  • Grace to learn the Cebuano Language.