Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hi Again

Well hello there....yes it's me, Bethany...the girl who flew half across the world over a year ago and fell in love with the Filipino people.     My life has changed a lot in this past year but my heart for the nations has not.  

Here are a few updates just to get back into the swing of "blogging" 

I graduated FIRE School of Ministry & thanks to my wonderful classmates scooped up some pretty awesome accomplishments.  

My wonderful classmates and Dr. Peters

Excellence in Ministry,  Student Choice Award,  & Class Valedictorian
  I lost 32lbs this year and hope to lose 32 more ;-)   When I got back from the Philippines I decided it was time for a change and to start treating my body right again.   I joined the gym and weight watchers & voila!  Success!   I've since plateaued but am eager to get past it.   Heck, maybe I'll even run a 5k....maybe.

Yeah I know, I'm pretty darn cute huh?
I became an FIRE International Missionary! OFFICIALLY!  That's right!  I can now officially begin preparing to answer the call to GO!   If you would like to you can sign up to support me at:
Just make sure to put my name in the field provided. :-)  Any support is appreciated as I prepare to go into full time missions overseas.  
Sharing the vision at the 2011 Missions conference

FI Missions Conference!!
For those of you who do not know - I also got engaged this year... However, that has been put on hold until some further foundations are made.  Please pray with us as we seek the Lord's best in this situation.  My NC girls threw me an amazing Bridal Shower, too!
The most amazing friends a girl could ask for
I also moved in with an AMAZING group of people as well upon my return (pictured below). 

My Housemates (Sean, Carla's hubby, is unfortunately not in this picture)

  I'm eager to see what is to come in the near future.  The Lord has done so much in my heart this past year and especially as of recently.  I am hungry for his purpose and see the call of God on my life come forth.  God is good.    

More to come....after all this is only the beginning.

Be blessed in wisdom and understanding.
Proverbs 3:18


  1. Love you and love that you're in my life right now and forever!!

  2. Love you and praying the Lord's Voice remains louder, to you, than any other voice out there.... as He continues to lead you in all things. Many blessings--Aunt Shell
