Thursday, October 3, 2013

plural noun: misconceptions
  1. 1.
    a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding. (

    Oh, misconceptions... We all have them.   Some of us  have more of them than we would like to admit and some of us even embrace them.   But is it really fair to us, or God, to hold onto them?  Is it OK to let our feelings lead our spirit and body?  These are not trick questions.   Obviously the answer is no, of course not.  So then why do we allow misconceptions about ourselves and God rule our mind and hearts, even unknowingly?  

    Often we don't realize how many misconceptions we're walking around with simply because we do not take the time to stop and ask God what He thinks.   But we know better.  
    Romans 12:2 says this:   

    "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."  

    Give up the worldly thinking and gain His pleasing and perfect will, sounds like a good deal to me.    This may come as a shocker to some of you, but God isn't done with me yet (thank goodness!).    I know He is faithful to fulfill His promises (Ps. 145:13).   God isn't us.  He doesn't break His promises, He doesn't flake out, He doesn't wear out or lose His cool.  He is the Omnipotent, almighty,  creative,  author & perfecter, beginning and end,  covenant keeping, and 100% faithful one.  He will always be more patient, loving, kind, forgiving, and gracious then we will be.  But as we spend more and more time thinking on and with Him, we will become more and more like Him.  Then we will begin to see our misconceptions fall and His truth rise.   He is worthy of it all - He is able to take on the greatest of pain, mistakes, ungodly beliefs, you name it - He's got your back.  

    I know this post is a little unusual than my other ones, and to some even simple.  But the Gospel is simple and pure.  Be encouraged that He is able to take on your misconceptions and He will be faithful to transform you.    On that note I will leave you with Philippians 4:8

    "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

    May you continue to grow in His love and knowledge. 

    In Him,

    Donna, Lauren, Anna and myself with new friends Sharron & Lida at a recent Conference.

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