Sunday, December 7, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving (belated post)

Happy Thanksgiving!
My time in the States spent with all of you was fruitful, refreshing, and fun. Conference went well, and I so enjoyed reconnecting with many of you. And since this is the season of thankfulness, let me express just how grateful I am for each of you and your continued love, partnership, and encouragement! 
I arrived back in the Philippines on November 6th and was welcomed by Christmas decorations and music everywhere! When I left in mid-September, they had already begun playing Christmas music, but now they are fully decorated and enjoying celebrations.  I love that celebration is so deeply a part of Filipino culture.

Speaking of thankfulness, it is spectacular to be back in the Philippines with the Hope For All Children team!  My second day back, jet lagged and all, I went to Feeding Hope at the elementary school.  It was such a joy to see all of their smiling faces again. As promised, I brought "American candy" back with me, and let me tell you, they LOVED their Starbursts, Charleston Chews, Junior Mints, and Tootsie Rolls! 

What are you up to now?
Over the next few weeks, I will be finishing up final edits on the HFAC website, prepping "Flip Flops of Hope" for Christmas, caring for the babies at the orphanage,  teaching at Feeding Hope, and readjusting to Filipino culture.  God is faithful, and I know I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me!  :) 

Vehicle Fund:
One of my major needs right now is a vehicle. On a weekly basis, I'm spending a decent amount of my tight budget on public transportation (motorcycles, taxis, jeepneys, etc.), and it has become increasingly difficult to get rides and to purchase all my groceries (which I have to do on the island neighboring mine) and then bring them back via taxi, ferry, and then motorcycle.  Not having my own vehicle also makes it difficult to get back and forth to the orphanage to watch the babies, attend meetings, go to church (also on the neighboring island), and perform daily functions that require transportation.  

Cars do not depreciate in value the same way they do in the US, so the projected cost is about $13,000. I have personally been saving as much as I can monthly for this expense, but I wanted to give an opportunity to those of you who like to sow into projects to do so.  Would you be willing to help me by giving a special gift towards my vehicle? I would greatly appreciate any amount you may be able to contribute. To do so, make a note of "Bethany Ricci - Vehicle" when giving (direct link below). Thank you for your prayerful consideration. 

I hope you enjoy the beginning of this holiday season, and may the blessings of this Thanksgiving fill your hearts, homes, and bellies! 
Your missionary, 
Bethany Ricci

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