Saturday, April 25, 2015

April: Look at what YOUR support is doing!

Greetings Friends, Family & Partners,

This month I am sharing with pictures all God is doing and how YOU are helping Him!  

Here are just a few things I would like to thank you for:

1. Your partnership is helping these young girls & others fight malnourishment and hear the Gospel!
2. Supplying the NT in her hands! She memorized 12 verses in order to receive it.
3. Providing the nutritious food for Feeding Hope in two schools which opens the door for sharing the Gospel weekly. (More schools to be added soon!)
4. Helping to feed & care for the babies at HFAC Orphanage. (Sorry I can’t show his face for legal reasons - but he’s a super cutie)
5. Providing restoration and a safe place to girls (2-13yrs) to come after being rescued from sex trafficking. (Please continue to pray that we receive girls soon at the Hope House!)
6. Contributing to HFAC’s Youth Fun Days where youth can come for worship, teaching/preaching, prayer, food and fun! (photos below)

Thank you!

Your Missionary,
Bethany Ricci

Youth Fun Days:

How Can You Partner With Me & HFAC?

Contribute Monthly or with a one-time gift:
You can do so by visiting (please indicate donation is for Bethany Ricci)   All contributions are tax-deductible. :)

Pray with Me:
  • Grace to learn Cebuano language
  • Hope House progress
  • Total health & protection 
  • God’s will to be accomplished in the Philippines through the HFAC team.
  • Funds for a vehicle: Aprox. 8k still needed for a small 4x4 vehicle needed for the terrain on Samal Island. 

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