Sunday, September 27, 2015

"Will you do a Bible Study with me?"

If you would have asked me 10 years ago if I thought I would be on the other side of the world spending my Thursday evenings talking to prostitutes, I would have said you're crazy…and rude!  Before I met Jesus, I would look forward to Thursdays as I would partake in endless drinking and other hopeless activities.  But thankfully, my Thursday nights have changed from living in sin to loving those trapped in it.  I look forward to Thursday nights because it means I get to hang out with prostitutes and “Mamasans” (a term used to refer to a woman who manages the prostitutes) whom I love.  Yup, you read that correctly. 

We go on the streets to love them and minister to them, and they welcome us with open arms.  We hear things like “Aren’t you scared of us because we are shameful?” What a beautiful open door to the Gospel those statements are.  No, we aren’t scared because we are filled with love--not from ourselves, but from a loving Father in heaven who loves them too.  

One Thursday, I met a girl whom we will call “Jenna.”  Jenna is warm, friendly, and tender-hearted despite the harsh reality of her lifestyle.  As we were talking with her and a few of the other ladies, she asked if we would continue to come out and minister to them.  We answered that we would, and she leaned over, looked me in the eyes and said, “Will you do a Bible study with me? I want to make time for the Lord.”  Little did she know I had it on my heart to do just that! I wholeheartedly agreed to do a Bible study with her, and she asked for a Bible. She then agreed to read a certain portion of scripture weekly and then ask us any questions she may have as we discuss it the next week.   

We then discovered that her family lived in the same neighborhood as one of the translators who was ministering with us!  Jenna invited us to come to her home and have a study with not only her, but her whole family!  As we were discussing the details, a “customer” came and selected her, and just like that, she was in the car.  My heart sank as I saw her waving to us from the car with a big smile. 

I will see Jenna again with a Bible for her in my hands.  Please pray for these ladies like sweet Jenna.  Pray that they would be transformed by God’s love and conviction.  Pray for more opportunities to sow the Word of God in their hearts and see it take root and grow.  What an amazing God we serve, who loves us all so well and who searches out our hearts, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in.  Thank you for allowing me to love those whom Jesus loves here in the Philippines!

Your Missionary,
Bethany Ricci


This October, I have an amazing opportunity to partner with ministries in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand and serve with them as they combat the thriving sex trade and bring hope to hopeless situations.  This has been a dream of mine for years, and I am so excited that the doors have opened to go!  The trip will cost roughly about $1000.  If you would like to contribute to my trip to Thailand or other future missions trips, please see “How Can You Partner With Me?” below.  

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