Sunday, September 25, 2016

Davao City Bombing

First things first: We are safe and sound!

Thank you for all the messages of concern and care after the news of the bombing in Davao City broke out.  Violence of this magnitude is not commonplace here but today we weep with those who weep. 

Sadly, the bombing took place just a mere 2 blocks away from where I minister on the streets with the night workers on Thursday nights.  I was not there when the bomb went off.  I stopped by tonight and all of the ladies are safe and accounted for.  They did hear the bomb and witnessed the chaos that took place after but they are safe....Thank you Lord!!    

Please keep Davao in your prayers as the death count has been raised to 14 and 70+ injured.  Please keep in mind that medical care here is VERY different than medical care in the West. 

The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), a local terrorist group linked to ISIS, has claimed responsibility for the blast and warns there are "more coming."  
The group said it's a  "call for unity to all mujahideen in the country" amid the all-out offensive of the military against the group. (read more here: )

This is yet another reminder of our responsibility as believers in this city - and on this earth - to shine the light of Christ and make Him known.   

Thank you for your continued support and prayers during this time and for allowing me to share the light and hope of Christ in such a time as this.  

Your friend and missionary,
Bethany Ricci
Matthew 5:16

#prayforthephilippines #Godalwayshasaplan

WARNING: Some images below are graphic.

*Delayed post from 9/3/2016)

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