Monday, November 29, 2010

first internship down, one more to go!

Well on November 19th I completed my first internship with FIRE INTERNATIONAL.  I was able to serve the staff there on a daily basis and it was a joy to my heart to help and to get to know the staff there.  They are gems! 

On another note, after a much needed break, I have decided to begin ministry again at the Abortion clinic.  It is not the easiest ministry in the world.  After all, waking up at 6am on Saturday isn't the ideal romantic ministry picture! But who said ministry was meant to be easy?    This past Saturday was my first time out there in about 5-6months.  We had one turn-a-way, but the amount of cars were exceptionally lower than normal, probably due to the holiday.  Please keep this in your prayers because for the most part this is a "plowing" ministry and the strength of prayer is desperately needed!

Also, after a year of preparation my dear friends the Heldreths finally took off to the Philippines!  The ten of them arrived there safely and they seem to be settling in just fine.  My heart was both happy and sad to see them go but I am looking forward to seeing them in April when I get out there for my second internship. 

I finally posted my newsletter on Facebook tonight.   If you haven't already read it please do so.  If you would like me to email you a copy just let me know!

Thank you for your time and Happy Belated Thanksgiving!! :)



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