Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year, New Testimonies, New Happenings--Do you see a theme here? :)

Happy New Year!    I returned back to North Carolina this week after visiting friends and family for the Holidays in New Jersey.   Before arriving in Jersey I was somewhat dry, and frustrated with almost every area of my life.  Oh But God!  I was so encouraged by my friends and family that strongly support me in my pursuit of my calling as a Missionary that it really snapped me out of my little funk just in time for the New Year.  When I left to come back to NC I was filled up and ready to face this new season...
While I was in Jersey God really blessed my fund raising efforts.  I was able to meet with a few people and share my vision for my internship, and my long term goals as a full-time missionary after graduation.  People pledged different amounts monthly and I received a few one time gifts as well.  Needless to say I am thankful and humbled--this is so outside of my doing and it only further confirms God's hand on my internship.  I was amazed and brought to tears as I felt the love and support from everyone in Jersey.  God is just so good.   If you are reading this and you gave - - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! 
Finally,  I have a prayer request & an invitation to those of you in the Charlotte, NC area.  I am part of a team that is making efforts to stop Abortion in the city of Charlotte.  It is our heart to see children embraced and celebrated instead of the current Western movement to abort the blessing of new life.    The team and I are planning a Sanctity of Life Weekend.  We trust the Lord to unite the body of Christ and mobilize believers who will stand up for the unborn and no longer tolerate the shedding of innocent blood in our land.  I ask that you would join me in prayer (and if led to fasting) as we plan at this event and share the truth of what abortion is.  I will be sharing at this event as well and would greatly appreciate your prayers.  ROMANS 15:5-6 NIV  (Our Flyer is Below)
Lastly,  I just returned from FIRE School of Ministry's Immersion retreat this past weekend in Marion, NC.  It was a blessed time and I was so happy to meet the students of FIRE Chicago as well.  It was a time of refreshing and regaining vision.  It was a wake up call to really walk the way Jesus Walked, and to start pursuing excellence (not works) in all areas of our lives.  I am eager to start school this week - - However, our first day of classes are canceled due to snow :)  But either way I am excited to start my last trimester of classes.

Thank you again for all your support and prayers!



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