Sunday, February 27, 2011

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Hey Ya'll!--or if your one of my northern friends/family, "Hey Guys,"

Life has been increasingly become more and more busy as I spend my last few weeks preparing for my internship in the Philippines and actively serving in Ministry, school, and work.  In the midst of this busy life however, I have been overwhelmed by the fruit and faithfulness of God.

In my last post I mentioned I was helping plan a Sanctity of Life Weekend.   The dinner was an overwhelming success, with 300+ in attendance from different churches throughout the Charlotte area.   David Benham, a local business man, shared the vision to end abortion in Charlotte, and then repeat the pattern in other cities.
We then invited everyone out the Latrobe clinic that Saturday morning for a worship service.  About 40-50 people came out and it did not take long for the "pro-choice" group to arrive.  It was disheartening to see their hard hearts displayed in their signs stating "I LOVE THIS CLINIC" and so on.  They completely missed why we were there, we don't go out to these clinics to protest, we go out there to show the Love of Christ--and  through Him we present other options aside from abortion. The activists would not speak with us, but nonetheless, we shared the Gospel with them and babies lives were saved that day.   The Photo below shows one half of the driveway, you can see the pro-life and pro-choice mix:
A few weeks later I was given the opportunity to share during a Chapel service at school.  I shared the vision for the Wendover Clinic and the importance of our awareness of the giants in our land in our age.  I also shared a video, "The Hard Truth," which you can see on You tube, but I warn you it is graphic but it is necessary to understand the truth of what abortion is. 
I was so happy to have students come to me and express there new interest in the clinic.  Being that I have, as of now, five more weeks at the school my heart longed to see students interested in "carrying the torch" after me.  One couple in particular, Sean & Carla Graham, have really stepped up and I am glad this ministry will be left in good hands.  Since that chapel service, we have had about 15-20 students come to the clinic each Saturday.  We focus on prayer, worship, and sidewalk counseling.
It has been a pleasure to minister along side my fellow students and see their hearts grow for the lost in this specific area.  Please keep the Wendover Clinic in prayer--Specifically for God's presence to rest upon that place, so that the Love of God would bring conviction and ultimately close the clinic.

Lastly, in just under six weeks--yes, SIX weeks I will be heading off for the Philippines! As excited as I am, I still need some more funds and to tie some loose ends here and there.  Please be in prayer that all finances would be raised and that God would give me grace to get done all that needs to be done.  

Thank you for your support and prayers!

Bethany Ricci
Psalm 138

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know you made a blog. Seems awesome. Good luck with the abortion ministry. That really is a noble effort to save children's lives. Keep on keepin' on.
