Monday, June 13, 2011

God is Good

Time really does fly by when you are having fun.  My previous weeks in the Philippines have taught me so much.  I've come to know parts of God and myself that I never imagined I would or could know.  He has been very faithful.  He has been faithful to heal, deliver, love, comfort, open doors, close doors, and strengthen the weak(and so much more).   If there is anything you get out of reading my blog I hope it is this--God is good and He is forever faithful, no matter what the World is saying around you.  His promises are yes and amen...He is not a man that He should lie.  He doesn't dangle carrots in front of us to get us motivated without ever receiving the carrot.   He gives good gifts to His children and we can either choose to receive or reject those gifts.   For so long I struggled with all the "what if" scenarios concerning the plans of my life--but now more than ever I have come to terms with the fact that God is faithful and good to cause His promises to pass, in His timing.  He alone is what I must place my trust and faith in. 

With that being said it has been a busy couple of weeks.  A team from Goldsboro, NC was visiting so we had several opportunities to minister and have fun.  We had several successful outreaches and times of praise and worship.  
A child taking BIG bites at the feeding program in Malita
People gathered to here us at a recent outreach on Samal
Holding a little girl at the outreach :)

This week I also went to Talicud Island which is about a hour and 1/2 boat ride from Davao.  My friend Maricel brought me there to visit some pastor friends in the mountains.  It was the most beautiful place I have seen yet.  There were just a few huts, a small village, and these pastors were just full of life.  We ate lunch with them, encouraged them, hiked for a while and just enjoyed one another.  I was actually the second white person they have ever seen.  They also lived near a beach that had caves right on the coastline, it was gorgeous!
Lunch with the Pastors: Fresh Fish & of course...RICE
Hiking :)
The Beautiful Beach
Maricel & the Pastor's Wife

We have been faithful to continue our weekly outreaches on Samal Island as well.  This week we also were able to attend a church on Samal Island and share the vision the team has for the Island.  The church was about 15-20 people, mostly women and children.  It was open-air with just a roof to protect from rain.  On each side there was different livestock and some baby piglets even joined us for praise and worship ;-).  
Pastor Worshiping
The Church

Some of the Piglets that joined us for Church :)

 So God is good here in the Philippines and He's good wherever you may be at too :-).  I'm looking forward to returning home in just three weeks to see all your faces and thank you personally for all your prayers and support.  But until then, be blessed and encouraged!

Bethany Ricci

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