Friday, May 27, 2011

The Battle is Raging...

I guess I did not realize how consistently I have been under attack since being here.  I have endured rashes, sickness, electronic malfunctions, family health issues back home, demonic manifestations, bugs bites that resulted in my going to the hospital and so on an so forth.  But, my focus has not been on that of course.  I have had more opportunities to bring light in the darkness during these past few weeks than I have had in my entire life.  I know it is in direct relation to that.  Also, this coming Saturday we are going to the "epicenter" of witchcraft on the island of Samal and I believe that is also causing some uproar in the other camp :)

Outside of that, my week has been really prayer-focused.   I'm envolved in several prayer meetings during the week and they have really been piecing together nicely and God has been consistently faithful to amaze us with His guidance, strategy and revelation. 

This past Saturday we went out to Samal and preached and declared the Goodness of God into the atmosphere.   Myself, my roommate Rika, and Olive (A Filipino) had the opportunity to share with a family and pray for a man who was living a transvestite lifestyle and just speak life, value, and the truth of God into him. 

Preaching & Worship in the back of the "Canter"
A Child listening to the Preaching
Rika & I With a girl we prayed for at a Bakery
Rika, Olive & I Praying for the man living a transvestite lifestyle
Handing out fliers inviting children to a basketball outreach
So in closing, I am happy to say God is winning.  I am encouraged in the fact that the devil does not want me to enjoy my time here--because I know my life has purpose  here.   I appreciate your prayers as always.  Please visit this link to see video of this past Saturday's outreach:

Blessings & Love,

1 comment:

  1. Good job.. satan's scared of you ;-) Good thing we know the Lord and have His protection! I've had more attack (just things going wrong; things being stolen..and most of the things you mentioned!) in the last few weeks than ever before :) I'm so curious to hear all your stories! ;-) keep your head up! So glad all is well, and that he's so scared of you. God is so big in you- I love it, and I love you!
