Friday, May 6, 2011

The Week I Fell in Love with the Philippines

Greetings from the islands of the Philippines!

I was able to tour the city this week with a Filipina and not only see the sights but minister to whoever we felt led to one the way. We went several places, including back to Agdao to visit a man we had previously prayed for and follow up with him.  We also went to China town and ate a traditional Filipino lunch.
Then, she took to me to the lowest-income group in the city--a tribal group of nomadic Muslims.  She warned me before we went that it might be overwhelming and that I was only the second missionary she would take there because of the simple fact that it is extreme poverty....But I was up for the adventure!  So we went through different Muslim Sections of the city until we finally reached this group.  They live directly above the ocean, their houses are on stilts and there are planks of coconut lumber on stilts as walkways(it was very unsteady w/nothing to hold onto so unfortunately I do not have photos, especially since children rush people w/cameras),you would never know it was the ocean because it is just full of garbage underneath the houses and walkways in this little ocean community.  We met with a pastor there who encouraged us to walk on the planks avoiding certain areas because she can not handle the stench(and she lives there!).  So it was a honor and privilege to see this area and meet the people.
This is a picture of the area, but this is on the outside, so this is mild in comparison to what I did not get to photograph.

Later in the week I went to the Agdao Church feeding program.  First we went into the neighborhoods and gathered children and then brought them to the church to feed them food and scripture!  I was able to talk with some very cute children, see for your self below :)
Eating Chocolate Rice :)
Then, Brenda  Naska, a missionary here, arranged a girls night for myself, Rika (my roommate), and all the single Filipinas.  We shared our hearts, testimonies, and there was a lot of laughter as we got to know each other better.

Yesterday we went to the Island of Samal to swim at the waterfall.  Unfortunately,  we didn't swim at the waterfall because it had rained the night before and made the water murky instead of clear.   So we went to the beach instead and had an amazing time swimming, looking for sea creatures and shells. We took a bus & ferry to get to the island, and when we got off the bus on the island 35+ men on motorcycles surrounded us trying to get our business.  I was laughing so hard because they were running like crazy bringing their motorcycles to us--and then finally the filipinas we were with picked two motorcycles.  So I was on a motorcycle with me, the driver and two other filipinas!  It was soooo much fun riding through the island and mountains on that packed motorcycle.  Below are pictures:
The falls

Joanna & I at the beach
This is an example of my motorcycle ride :)
The Beach as we were leaving...
This is the bathroom sign at the beach :)

So the week has been jam-packed with fun, adventure, and love.  I am falling in love with the Philippines that is for sure!!  I  have pictures up on facebook for APRIL and MAY, please take a look!   I miss you all and cannot wait to see you all face-to-face again!


1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this Bethany! You are an amazing woman and I love seeing what God is doing in your life!!! Love Love Love you!!!
