Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 7 in the Philippines

I can hardly believe I'm entering my 7th week here in the Philippines! God has already done so much in my heart in these past few weeks I can only imagine what is ahead.  I suppose I should be honest with you all as to where I am at in my "scouting trip," Basically, I want to answer the question I keep hearing: "Will you go back?"  As of right now everything in the natural makes sense for me to be here.  I can see where I would fit with the team and the work with Hope for All Children, it makes total sense.  I long time ago I wrote in my journal all the different things I wanted to see during my lifetime, and when I looked at the list I did not understand how I could possibly accomplish all of them in a lifetime.  But with God all things are possible!  Hope for All Children's vision actually aligns with what I wrote that day.   My heart is both excited and nervous....because this is one of the biggest decisions of my life.  So I'm still praying about it, and I think it is to premature to say a firm "YES," but the possibility of me coming back is strong. 

This week was a little more "relaxing" since we have been going hard in ministry on daily basis.    I went out again with my friend Maricel to Panabo, a small town about 45mins away, to visit her family and minister to them.  I was able to share with them some simple truths about who Jesus is and how the Gospel has changed my life.   Also, we had to take a bus to get there and we were able to preach on the bus...Maricel always keeps me on my toes! And her Fire really challenges me, I love it!
Maricel Preaching on the Bus
The team had several birthdays this week, so we went bowling and to Hagimit Falls for some fellowship and celebration :) (and preaching on the ferry ride back from the falls)
waiting to jump off the waterfall :)
Sir Mike Bailey preaching on the Ferry
This week the whole team also went to the Erbs property for a team picture.  It was BEAUTIFUL.  The Erbs have a school and farming work.  Pictures Below:
Rainbow in the clouds as we were driving to the Erb's Property
My roommate Rika & I enjoying chocolate goat milk popsicles! Yummy!
View from the Property--see the mountains?!
Erbs Property, farming on the hill behind us.
We also went to Samal Island on Saturday for our first outreach of many.  We will be going to Samal every Saturday in preparation for a crusade in November.   We prayed and witnessed to many, and are in contact with several of the Filipinos that we spoke with. 

So the week was long but good.   Thank you all for your support and prayers.  I do ask that you continue to pray for grace and protection.  Witchcraft here is strong, and the attacks are increasing as we become more active in pursuing the vision God has placed before us here.

As always, thank you for your support and prayers!


  1. As much as I would miss you - I'm so glad that you are seeing your dreams fulfilled before your very eyes!!! I love you snook **wink**

  2. LOVE IT! Keep your head up there :) God is so proud of you!! :)

  3. I love reading your posts, I am praying for you my Dear!!! <3
