Sunday, May 18, 2014

Where Are the Hidden Cameras? (May Newsletter)

I’ve had several moments this month where I’ve looked around to see if I was on a hidden camera show.  For example, I was really sick at one point this month (I’ll spare you the details), but I was up all night, and while I was sitting on the bathroom floor exhausted, ants and bugs were crawling all over me, and a little gecko tried to make me his new friend.  Far different then being sick in the USA!  

Or how about driving over to a friend who is stuck on the side of the road, and while you help her with her vehicle, the car you came in gets a flat tire.  So there we all were, on the side of the road with a jack that wasn't the right size, trying to balance it on different sized rocks to get it to the right height.  There is far more to this story that I don’t have time to share in this letter, but eventually we got both cars back on the road (thanks to our teammate Tony Gingrich!). 

One morning I woke up to a text from my housemate letting me know the police were on the way because the outside kitchen was broken into and robbed…only to find the only thing they took of mine was mayonnaise.  (They eat mayo sandwiches here :-))  They also took a 1/2 bottle of Coke, bread, eggs and some of my housemates’ appliances.  If only they knew we would have gladly given them that and more!  When the police got there to “fingerprint,” they had to find a feather in the yard to do it…again I looked around for the hidden camera.    

I laugh at these things now, but this is the reality of what my “new normal” is.  I wake up every day not knowing what to expect because I live in a third world country.  Most of my neighbors don’t have power, 3 meals a day, or enough money to ride the ferry to Davao (a mere 25 cents in US dollars).  But I’m here, adjusting to my new normal, and thankful to be here. 

A BEAUTIFUL Sunset in my backyard
With all jokes aside, there is a lot going on here.  Most of my work here will eventually involve the HFAC House of Restoration (aftercare home for children who have been rescued from human trafficking). This is a developing aspect of HFAC, and I am thrilled to be a part of it.  Just last month, your financial support helped put the down payment on a rental home for what will be the HFAC House of Restoration!  It is in a great location, and we are very excited about it.  

Thank you for your love, prayer support, and financial partnership.  I’m thrilled to be serving in the Philippines with you all “by my side.” 
Your Missionary,


Please Pray for the Following:
  • I still need a language tutor, please pray for the right one! 
  • Funds for a Vehicle (roughly $10,000)
  • My health 
  • Grace with culture shock :)

If financial sponsorship is something on your heart, please see the right hand side of this page for tax-deductible giving information :) 

Transporting pig halves in a "western style" grocery store"

Tuko Lizards outside of my house :) 

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