Sunday, July 27, 2014

June/July - Full Speed Ahead!

June was a busy month and July has not been any different!

Agriculture Team from North Carolina
June started with the arrival of a team from the States who came primarily to help with our sustainable farm at the HFAC property. For ten straight days they were in our fields; they dug, planted, carried heavy materials—you name it, they did it, and had a great servant-hearted attitude while doing it. Now, we have over 30 fruit trees planted, as well as banana circles, herb spirals for medicinal and edible purposes, a portable chicken house, and more. I understand some of that may sound foreign to you (it was to me), but basically they came to work the land, and they did an amazing job! In no time, we will be seeing the “fruits” of their labor.

Meeting with play therapists concerning the Hope House
Previously, I mentioned that most of my work here will eventually involve the HFAC Hope House (aftercare home for children who have been rescued from human trafficking). This is a developing aspect of HFAC, and I am thrilled to be a part of it. In an effort to make more connections and learn what an aftercare facility looks like in action, we traveled to another region of the Philippines in mid-June to visit two aftercare home facilities and meet with their staff. After several hours at each facility, we were able to take back with us what we believe will set us up for success.

Swimming with Whale Sharks

The trip also included some fun, as we were able to swim with whale sharks, play in some waterfalls, and see the Chocolate Hills in Bohol (see photos on the below). I love that I get to serve HFAC and the people of the Philippines and that my time includes some adventures.

Once we returned from the trip, we prepared for FIRE International’s Retreat/Conference right here in Davao City. We welcomed missionaries from the Ukraine, China, Tanzania, etc. as well as the leadership from FIRE International and FIRE Church (Concord, NC). It was a time of great fellowship, refreshing, connecting, and teaching. At the end of the conference, we held an outreach meeting where Dr. Brown preached a message on “How to be a World Changer!”

Hundreds came to hear Dr. Brown Speak

The Altar flooded with those hungry for God! 
As soon as he was finished speaking, the altar FILLED with hundreds of Filipinos crying out for God and His forgiveness. My team and I were privileged to pray for them and see lives touched and changed.

In the midst of all this, I have also begun taking language lessons. Hooray!! My teacher is wonderful and I am so thankful for her. Please continue to pray for grace for me to learn Cebuano.
I think that about sums up the last few busy weeks. It is such a joy to be here and have your partnership! Please feel free to contact me ( with any prayer needs or just to say hi; after all, we are in this together! 

Your Missionary, 
Bethany Ricci

Please pray for the following:

*Continued grace to learn the language
* Health

* Continued provision to help fund the feeding program, Hope House,
   and personal expenses 

How Can YOU Partner with Me? 

Contribute monthly or with a one-time gift: You can do so by for online giving (please make sure to indicate the donation is for Bethany Ricci).  Or you may mail donations to:
Bethany Ricci
c/o Fire International
PO Box 5306
Concord, NC 28927 

Again please be sure to write "Bethany Ricci" on the memo line of your checks.  All contributions are tax-deductible. :)  Thank you for your consideration! 

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