Sunday, December 7, 2014

Rejoice for the KING is born!

Happy Thanksgiving (belated post)

Happy Thanksgiving!
My time in the States spent with all of you was fruitful, refreshing, and fun. Conference went well, and I so enjoyed reconnecting with many of you. And since this is the season of thankfulness, let me express just how grateful I am for each of you and your continued love, partnership, and encouragement! 
I arrived back in the Philippines on November 6th and was welcomed by Christmas decorations and music everywhere! When I left in mid-September, they had already begun playing Christmas music, but now they are fully decorated and enjoying celebrations.  I love that celebration is so deeply a part of Filipino culture.

Speaking of thankfulness, it is spectacular to be back in the Philippines with the Hope For All Children team!  My second day back, jet lagged and all, I went to Feeding Hope at the elementary school.  It was such a joy to see all of their smiling faces again. As promised, I brought "American candy" back with me, and let me tell you, they LOVED their Starbursts, Charleston Chews, Junior Mints, and Tootsie Rolls! 

What are you up to now?
Over the next few weeks, I will be finishing up final edits on the HFAC website, prepping "Flip Flops of Hope" for Christmas, caring for the babies at the orphanage,  teaching at Feeding Hope, and readjusting to Filipino culture.  God is faithful, and I know I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me!  :) 

Vehicle Fund:
One of my major needs right now is a vehicle. On a weekly basis, I'm spending a decent amount of my tight budget on public transportation (motorcycles, taxis, jeepneys, etc.), and it has become increasingly difficult to get rides and to purchase all my groceries (which I have to do on the island neighboring mine) and then bring them back via taxi, ferry, and then motorcycle.  Not having my own vehicle also makes it difficult to get back and forth to the orphanage to watch the babies, attend meetings, go to church (also on the neighboring island), and perform daily functions that require transportation.  

Cars do not depreciate in value the same way they do in the US, so the projected cost is about $13,000. I have personally been saving as much as I can monthly for this expense, but I wanted to give an opportunity to those of you who like to sow into projects to do so.  Would you be willing to help me by giving a special gift towards my vehicle? I would greatly appreciate any amount you may be able to contribute. To do so, make a note of "Bethany Ricci - Vehicle" when giving (direct link below). Thank you for your prayerful consideration. 

I hope you enjoy the beginning of this holiday season, and may the blessings of this Thanksgiving fill your hearts, homes, and bellies! 
Your missionary, 
Bethany Ricci

Monday, October 13, 2014

Flip Flops of Hope

Hi Everyone,

Hugs were much tighter at the Guilon Elementary School, and sweet kisses to the babies at the HFAC orphanage were bittersweet as I said my “See ya laters.”  These children will never know just how much I miss them; thankfully I am returning to the Philippines in just a few short weeks. 

So far my visit to the States has been busy catching up with all of you - my family, friends, and supporters.  Next week I will be heading to North Carolina for the F.I. Missions Conference, and I am VERY excited!  It is my favorite time of year as I get to gather alongside other missionaries and hear what is going on all throughout the world.  

Christmas Outreach : Flip Flops of Hope

Families in this region live off as little as $2-20 a month and rarely can afford quality items or nutritional meals. A few months ago in prayer I saw the feet of the 300+ children at Guilon Elementary School and Jesus placing “tsinelas” (flip flops) on their feet.  I knew God was wanting to bless the children with their own pair of brand new flip flops along with some food to bring home to their families for Christmas. 

I contacted my home church, Grace and Peace (Toms River, NJ), and they hopped right on board.  I was in tears when I read the email stating that in just three weeks they collected 813 pairs of sandals and flip flops!! I am humbled, blessed and thrilled by the response! Now not only will the elementary school receive new sandals, but the high school will too and possibly some of the students' family members.  God is good!

This Christmas Jesus is placing those shoes on their feet and a nutritious meal on their plate because people like you are contributing to what is on His heart.  I cannot wait to see the expression on their faces and send you all the photos. :-) 

Thank you for making God-dreams a reality in the Philippines.  

Your Missionary,

Bethany Ricci

Prayer Support - please pray for the following:
Funds for a Vehicle Approx. $10,000.  
My personal health (specifically skin & sinuses)
Continued provision to help fund Feeding Hope, Hope House,and personal expenses.  
Grace to learn the Cebuano Language

Above: With friends at Maricel's Wedding Shower

Below: 3 of 7 Boxes of Sandals/Flip Flops ready for shipment!

Saying my "See ya laters" 

Maricel's wedding

Benjamin Enjoying a walk at the HFAC orphanage
NC friends I hope to see you there! 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Feeding Hope (August Newsletter)

Greetings from Davao!

There are few places that I can call a “safe haven” when I come into Davao City.  But as I sit in Kanagaroo Coffee Shop with Casting Crowns playing in the background, I find myself for the first time in a long time, relaxed in Davao. Once a week I have a “Davao Day” which is usually scheduled from beginning to end (7am-7pm) with errands, language lessons, grocery shopping and everything else I need to do that I can’t do on Samal.  And coming from rural, jungle Samal to Davao is quite a change and usually causes some over-stimulation as I take in all the smog, trucks, taxis, ads, and everything else fighting for my attention. But I am thankful for Davao and some simple “familiar” comforts it provides with its coffee shops, malls, and food. :)  

Anyways, many of you ask the same thing: “So what’s going on out there?”  I am happy to say that Feeding Hope (the feeding program) is in full swing now, and I am so privileged to be a part of it.  Every Wednesday our team gathers and helps prepare nutritious meals that we bring to the Guilon Elementary & Del Monte High Schools.  Our team splits up to go to either school to help with the feeding and teaching. 

I go to the Elementary School and absolutely love it!  As soon as our car pulls up, it is surrounded by excited children, eager for some love and attention.  With kids stuck to my hips and holding onto me (wherever they can), I make my way to a small area where they all sit down and listen to a Bible Story, learn their Bible Memory Verses for the week, worship, and play games.  

 Families in this region live off as little as $10-20 a month and rarely can afford quality items or nutritional meals.  It is an honor to see that children are fed a nutritional meal and receive tons of hugs from all of us. And their smiles light up the room - it is truly the highlight of my week

                                                            “What else are you doing?” 
My schedule is pretty packed.  From Feeding Hope, helping to redesign the website, team gatherings, watching babies overnight at the orphanage, and living in a third-world country, I have my hands full and busy! I am thankful to be here and so aware of God’s loving care for me and those around me in this season.  

Fall 2014: USA Trip
I will be making a brief trip back to the U.S. this fall!  I am so excited to see many of your faces and hopefully share a meal or have a cup of coffee with as many of you as I can! If you know of any churches, small groups, Bible studies, friends, etc. who would be interested in hearing about all God is doing in the Philippines, please let me know so we can connect.

Thank you for your continued love, support and partnership.  As always, please feel free to contact me at, and follow me on the following social media sites: Facebook, Instagram (BethanyRay86) and Twitter (Bethany_Ricci).

Your Missionary,

Bethany Ricci

How Can You Partner With Me & HFAC?

1. Contribute Monthly or with a one-time gift
You can do so by visiting (please make sure to indicate donation is for Bethany Ricci) Or you may return the self-addressed envelope with donations, and be sure to write “Bethany Ricci” on the memo line of your checks.  All contributions are tax-deductible. :)
2. Prayer Support - please pray for the following:
  • Connections for my trip to the States in the Fall of 2014. 
  • My personal health (specifically skin & sinuses)
  • Continued provision to help fund Feeding Hope, Hope House,and personal expenses.  
  • Grace to learn the Cebuano Language.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

June/July - Full Speed Ahead!

June was a busy month and July has not been any different!

Agriculture Team from North Carolina
June started with the arrival of a team from the States who came primarily to help with our sustainable farm at the HFAC property. For ten straight days they were in our fields; they dug, planted, carried heavy materials—you name it, they did it, and had a great servant-hearted attitude while doing it. Now, we have over 30 fruit trees planted, as well as banana circles, herb spirals for medicinal and edible purposes, a portable chicken house, and more. I understand some of that may sound foreign to you (it was to me), but basically they came to work the land, and they did an amazing job! In no time, we will be seeing the “fruits” of their labor.

Meeting with play therapists concerning the Hope House
Previously, I mentioned that most of my work here will eventually involve the HFAC Hope House (aftercare home for children who have been rescued from human trafficking). This is a developing aspect of HFAC, and I am thrilled to be a part of it. In an effort to make more connections and learn what an aftercare facility looks like in action, we traveled to another region of the Philippines in mid-June to visit two aftercare home facilities and meet with their staff. After several hours at each facility, we were able to take back with us what we believe will set us up for success.

Swimming with Whale Sharks

The trip also included some fun, as we were able to swim with whale sharks, play in some waterfalls, and see the Chocolate Hills in Bohol (see photos on the below). I love that I get to serve HFAC and the people of the Philippines and that my time includes some adventures.

Once we returned from the trip, we prepared for FIRE International’s Retreat/Conference right here in Davao City. We welcomed missionaries from the Ukraine, China, Tanzania, etc. as well as the leadership from FIRE International and FIRE Church (Concord, NC). It was a time of great fellowship, refreshing, connecting, and teaching. At the end of the conference, we held an outreach meeting where Dr. Brown preached a message on “How to be a World Changer!”

Hundreds came to hear Dr. Brown Speak

The Altar flooded with those hungry for God! 
As soon as he was finished speaking, the altar FILLED with hundreds of Filipinos crying out for God and His forgiveness. My team and I were privileged to pray for them and see lives touched and changed.

In the midst of all this, I have also begun taking language lessons. Hooray!! My teacher is wonderful and I am so thankful for her. Please continue to pray for grace for me to learn Cebuano.
I think that about sums up the last few busy weeks. It is such a joy to be here and have your partnership! Please feel free to contact me ( with any prayer needs or just to say hi; after all, we are in this together! 

Your Missionary, 
Bethany Ricci

Please pray for the following:

*Continued grace to learn the language
* Health

* Continued provision to help fund the feeding program, Hope House,
   and personal expenses 

How Can YOU Partner with Me? 

Contribute monthly or with a one-time gift: You can do so by for online giving (please make sure to indicate the donation is for Bethany Ricci).  Or you may mail donations to:
Bethany Ricci
c/o Fire International
PO Box 5306
Concord, NC 28927 

Again please be sure to write "Bethany Ricci" on the memo line of your checks.  All contributions are tax-deductible. :)  Thank you for your consideration! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Where Are the Hidden Cameras? (May Newsletter)

I’ve had several moments this month where I’ve looked around to see if I was on a hidden camera show.  For example, I was really sick at one point this month (I’ll spare you the details), but I was up all night, and while I was sitting on the bathroom floor exhausted, ants and bugs were crawling all over me, and a little gecko tried to make me his new friend.  Far different then being sick in the USA!  

Or how about driving over to a friend who is stuck on the side of the road, and while you help her with her vehicle, the car you came in gets a flat tire.  So there we all were, on the side of the road with a jack that wasn't the right size, trying to balance it on different sized rocks to get it to the right height.  There is far more to this story that I don’t have time to share in this letter, but eventually we got both cars back on the road (thanks to our teammate Tony Gingrich!). 

One morning I woke up to a text from my housemate letting me know the police were on the way because the outside kitchen was broken into and robbed…only to find the only thing they took of mine was mayonnaise.  (They eat mayo sandwiches here :-))  They also took a 1/2 bottle of Coke, bread, eggs and some of my housemates’ appliances.  If only they knew we would have gladly given them that and more!  When the police got there to “fingerprint,” they had to find a feather in the yard to do it…again I looked around for the hidden camera.    

I laugh at these things now, but this is the reality of what my “new normal” is.  I wake up every day not knowing what to expect because I live in a third world country.  Most of my neighbors don’t have power, 3 meals a day, or enough money to ride the ferry to Davao (a mere 25 cents in US dollars).  But I’m here, adjusting to my new normal, and thankful to be here. 

A BEAUTIFUL Sunset in my backyard
With all jokes aside, there is a lot going on here.  Most of my work here will eventually involve the HFAC House of Restoration (aftercare home for children who have been rescued from human trafficking). This is a developing aspect of HFAC, and I am thrilled to be a part of it.  Just last month, your financial support helped put the down payment on a rental home for what will be the HFAC House of Restoration!  It is in a great location, and we are very excited about it.  

Thank you for your love, prayer support, and financial partnership.  I’m thrilled to be serving in the Philippines with you all “by my side.” 
Your Missionary,


Please Pray for the Following:
  • I still need a language tutor, please pray for the right one! 
  • Funds for a Vehicle (roughly $10,000)
  • My health 
  • Grace with culture shock :)

If financial sponsorship is something on your heart, please see the right hand side of this page for tax-deductible giving information :) 

Transporting pig halves in a "western style" grocery store"

Tuko Lizards outside of my house :) 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

April Newsletter: 1 Month Down!!

(This is a very Belated Post!  If you would like to be on my newsletter list via mail or email please contact me at 

I have been in the Philippines one whole month!  Can you believe that?  Time has seemed to expedite itself, and I’m quickly learning that there are no “short days” on the mission field.  Each day is a new adventure, a new discovery, and a new form of joy mixed with exhaustion.  This is not a complaint - I’ve never been so happy.  But the reality is this:  Missionary life is both beautiful and challenging.   

A week after I arrived, we received Benjamin.

It’s beautiful because I get to see the smile of a child receiving what is possibly his or her only nutritious meal all week.  It’s beautiful because I can hold infants who would have been abandoned, but God decided to entrust them to HFAC.  It’s beautiful because I am surrounded by a team of believers that have proven character and have huge hearts for this nation.  It’s beautiful because I live in a breathtakingly gorgeous tropical atmosphere that I get to enjoy on the back of a stranger’s motorcycle. It’s beautiful because I get to see a young girl really feel accepted for the first time as she encounters the love of God. It’s simply beautiful.  

The challenges so far are these: bug bites upon bug bites, heat, the sweat, sketchy internet, the power going out, things taking 5xs longer than they should, the crazy public transportation, etc.  But it is all worth it.  Because everywhere I look I see God’s beauty, goodness, and delight.  
I have been adjusting well and have dived into the schedule of the HFAC team.  The team meets 4xs a week for various meetings dedicated to prayer, worship, administrative duties, meal prep for feeding programs, etc.  I have enjoyed these meetings as they have helped me reconnect with most of the team.

Guilon Elementary School Graduation
One of my favorite events this month was the Graduation Ceremony at Guilon Elementary School.  HFAC has been involved there with our “Feeding Hope” program, where we provide a meal, a short message, and prizes for children who memorize assigned scriptures.  The school was so pleased with HFAC that they invited us to be a part of their graduation ceremony.  Each graduating class received awards and acknowledgements and did a tribal dance!  It was a lot of fun, and I was blessed to be a part of it.   

We also had a “youth fun day” that was a great success with 35+ teens who came to the HFAC property for a time of worship, a powerful message, lunch and games.   The Lord really blessed the event as lives were changed, hearts were healed, tummies were filled and laughter was heard in abundance.  

Thank you all for your love and support - I cannot do this without your partnership.  Thank you for helping me see His beauty here in the Philippines, and in turn, helping others see it too. :-)  

Your Missionary,
Youth Fun Day 2014

Please Pray for the Following: 

  • Favor with immigration as I extend my Visa
  • The right language tutor and the gift to learn the language
  • Protection & Health (specifically with my skin & sinuses) 
  • Wisdom for the team & HFAC as it moves forward. 
If Financial Partnership is on your heart, please click the link on the right hand side that will take you to Fire Internationals webpage.   Thank you! 

Monday, March 24, 2014

I'm in the Philippines!! (March Newsletter)

My MARCH newsletter is below or can be found in the proper format at:  
Just click "Read Bethany's Current Newsletter"  

If you would like to receive it via email or be added to my mailing list contact me at:

It is with great excitement that as I type this letter, I can say that I am sitting in my new home on Samal Island! After about 30 hours of travel, I stepped off my final plane into the Davao City Airport and was greeted by the Hope for All Children Team. There was a group visiting from Church on the Rock (Goldsboro, NC), so I was immediately thrown into the schedule of their mission trip.

Eating Lunch at Penongs with the team.
First stop, PENONGS! For those of you who are going “huh?” it’s a filipino BBQ place that serves one good chicken on a stick with rice. After lunch was devoured, my good missionary friend Sherika Lockhart took me to the mall where we got an ICED beverage (sidenote: even the Filipinos were complaining how hot it was that day!), and then to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I was shocked to see how much has changed since I was here just 2.5 years ago. The city itself is pretty much the same with its dust, diesel fumes, and traffic, but the mall was so...well, Western.

At the market with Rika, buying fresh veggies for the feeding program! 

After that “quick” stop, we headed over to Samal Island via the ferry. As I sat on the ferry for the 30-minute ride, I was overwhelmed with both thankfulness and just God’s goodness. Once off the ferry, it was dusty, bumpy roads. I observed all the motorcycles flying by with anywhere from 2-6 people on a bike! Then we turned onto a long dirt road that led to my new home...right along the shore of the beach. The house itself is beautiful; its not an “American” home, but it has character and beauty in its own way.

Tanya, Michelle, Myself and Crystal at Boat Day (note my jet-lagged face)
Boat Day : )
The next day, I was blessed to be a part of the teams’ Boat Day. We sailed a rented boat about an hour away until it dropped us off at the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. Although I was fighting jet lag, the beauty of this beach woke me right up! The water was a full blue-green color palate and so clear you could see all sorts of creatures and shells in the water. These types of adventures aren’t necessarily the norm, but the team does try to take breaks from ministry to enjoy one another and relax, especially if there is a team there for a missions trip, and to avoid “burning out.”

Receiving prayer at my Send Off at my home church, Grace & Peace
and my parents & I at my Send off celebration. 

Many people have been asking me, “How do you feel?” and my answer is this: anything that you can “feel,” I am and have been feeling, which I think is normal...I moved away from the comforts of my home to be a part of Hope for All Children here in the Philippines, and that kind of transition can take both a positive and negative toll on the heart, spirit, and mind. With that being said, I am thankful for the prayer covering I have through supporters like you! Not only have you made this “God dream” a reality, but you are aiding and equipping me personally, and therefore equipping the locals here. Your prayers and generosity is what fuels God’s mission here; isn't that exciting?! 

I hope to be more settled in and more adjusted to my “new normal” by my next newsletter and/or blogpost ( so I can write more on the ministry here and so on.   Please see below how you can join me in prayer.  Until next time, God bless! 

Please Pray for the Following:

  • Grace for the transition/culture shock/etc.
  • Ability to learn the language
  • For continued financial support & blessings on those who support
  • For God to speak clearly to me as I begin to commit to different things, involving HFAC. 

Boxes being shipped to the Philippines

Friday, February 7, 2014

January/February Newsletter

 My January/February newsletter can be found at:  
Just click "Read Bethany's Current Newsletter"  

If you would like to receive it via email or be added to my mailing list contact me at:

God is doing some amazing things in these past few weeks as I prepare to make my return to the Philippines.  I absolutely covet your prayers at this time as I make this transition, please see below for prayer requests and partnership information.

Be sure to check back often as my updates will become more frequent....big adventures in God are ahead!   I'm thankful for each and every one of you.