Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The End...or just the Beginning?

I am officially back in the United States...the expression "bittersweet" has never had more of a clear definition then this moment in my life.  I left a part of my heart in the Philippines.  Yet, I know that God works in seasons and his timing is above all, perfect.  So now I just trust Him through this next season of preparation for my return to the Philippines in the hopefully very near future.

My last few weeks were quite eventful.  We continued to minister on Samal Island on Saturdays, and spoke in a few different churches on Sundays during the last few weeks.  The last Saturday outreach on Samal was my favorite of the whole internship--it was completely natural, and fun!  Myself, and two others went out into this neighborhood and the first house we went to was an open door to what seemed like the whole village.   Before we knew it nearly 50 kids were around, teens, and adults of all ages.   We ended up staying there for hours sharing the Love of Christ and playing games with the kids.  Many were healed and set free.  It was an awesome time.  

Teaching Sunday School
At the home that opened up the village

Some of the crowd gathering

I also said my goodbyes to those that I had been meeting with on a regular basis in the Agdao area.  One older man, who I had visited several times actually cried when I told him I was leaving.  He said he was so encouraged by my visits which in turn, encouraged me :-).   I pray that God continues to bring more divine appointments his way. Additionally, I was able to serve the Agdao Church by helping clean their church since they were moving buildings.

The rest of my time I focused mostly on the relationships that had developed there.  So I spent time with other missionaries and some of the Filipinos that are on the team that I am close with.  We did all sorts of fun stuff like zip-lining, the beach, evangelism, eat street food, crocodile park, and the list goes on.  
Jin & I on our "street meat adventure"
Eating Chicken Intestine
Zip lining w/the girls!

My time in the Philippines has been a time of fruitfulness and transition.  I am so thankful that the Lord orchestrated such a divine season in my life.  My heart was wrecked for the lost, and my view of ministry has been radically transformed.  I am encouraged and determined to press forward towards the prize which has been set before me, Jesus Christ.  He is the reason and center of everything I do--and He has become more real to me than ever.   So yes, leaving/returning has been bittersweet, but in my heart I know this is just the beginning.  

Thank you all again for your love, prayers, and support.  :)


Monday, June 13, 2011

God is Good

Time really does fly by when you are having fun.  My previous weeks in the Philippines have taught me so much.  I've come to know parts of God and myself that I never imagined I would or could know.  He has been faithful...so very faithful.  He has been faithful to heal, deliver, love, comfort, open doors, close doors, and strengthen the weak(and so much more).   If there is anything you get out of reading my blog I hope it is this--God is good and He is forever faithful, no matter what the World is saying around you.  His promises are yes and amen...He is not a man that He should lie.  He doesn't dangle carrots in front of us to get us motivated without ever receiving the carrot.   He gives good gifts to His children and we can either choose to receive or reject those gifts.   For so long I struggled with all the "what if" scenarios concerning the plans of my life--but now more than ever I have come to terms with the fact that God is faithful and good to cause His promises to pass, in His timing.  He alone is what I must place my trust and faith in. 

With that being said it has been a busy couple of weeks.  A team from Goldsboro, NC was visiting so we had several opportunities to minister and have fun.  We had several successful outreaches and times of praise and worship.  
A child taking BIG bites at the feeding program in Malita
People gathered to here us at a recent outreach on Samal
Holding a little girl at the outreach :)

This week I also went to Talicud Island which is about a hour and 1/2 boat ride from Davao.  My friend Maricel brought me there to visit some pastor friends in the mountains.  It was the most beautiful place I have seen yet.  There were just a few huts, a small village, and these pastors were just full of life.  We ate lunch with them, encouraged them, hiked for a while and just enjoyed one another.  I was actually the second white person they have ever seen.  They also lived near a beach that had caves right on the coastline, it was gorgeous!
Lunch with the Pastors: Fresh Fish & of course...RICE
Hiking :)
The Beautiful Beach
Maricel & the Pastor's Wife

We have been faithful to continue our weekly outreaches on Samal Island as well.  This week we also were able to attend a church on Samal Island and share the vision the team has for the Island.  The church was about 15-20 people, mostly women and children.  It was open-air with just a roof to protect from rain.  On each side there was different livestock and some baby piglets even joined us for praise and worship ;-).  
Pastor Worshiping
The Church

Some of the Piglets that joined us for Church :)

 So God is good here in the Philippines and He's good wherever you may be at too :-).  I'm looking forward to returning home in just three weeks to see all your faces and thank you personally for all your prayers and support.  But until then, be blessed and encouraged!

Bethany Ricci

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Battle is Raging...

I guess I did not realize how consistently I have been under attack since being here.  I have endured rashes, sickness, electronic malfunctions, family health issues back home, demonic manifestations, bugs bites that resulted in my going to the hospital and so on an so forth.  But, my focus has not been on that of course.  I have had more opportunities to bring light in the darkness during these past few weeks than I have had in my entire life.  I know it is in direct relation to that.  Also, this coming Saturday we are going to the "epicenter" of witchcraft on the island of Samal and I believe that is also causing some uproar in the other camp :)

Outside of that, my week has been really prayer-focused.   I'm envolved in several prayer meetings during the week and they have really been piecing together nicely and God has been consistently faithful to amaze us with His guidance, strategy and revelation. 

This past Saturday we went out to Samal and preached and declared the Goodness of God into the atmosphere.   Myself, my roommate Rika, and Olive (A Filipino) had the opportunity to share with a family and pray for a man who was living a transvestite lifestyle and just speak life, value, and the truth of God into him. 

Preaching & Worship in the back of the "Canter"
A Child listening to the Preaching
Rika & I With a girl we prayed for at a Bakery
Rika, Olive & I Praying for the man living a transvestite lifestyle
Handing out fliers inviting children to a basketball outreach
So in closing, I am happy to say God is winning.  I am encouraged in the fact that the devil does not want me to enjoy my time here--because I know my life has purpose  here.   I appreciate your prayers as always.  Please visit this link to see video of this past Saturday's outreach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1y9K_y5qvE&feature=share

Blessings & Love,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 7 in the Philippines

I can hardly believe I'm entering my 7th week here in the Philippines! God has already done so much in my heart in these past few weeks I can only imagine what is ahead.  I suppose I should be honest with you all as to where I am at in my "scouting trip," Basically, I want to answer the question I keep hearing: "Will you go back?"  As of right now everything in the natural makes sense for me to be here.  I can see where I would fit with the team and the work with Hope for All Children, it makes total sense.  I long time ago I wrote in my journal all the different things I wanted to see during my lifetime, and when I looked at the list I did not understand how I could possibly accomplish all of them in a lifetime.  But with God all things are possible!  Hope for All Children's vision actually aligns with what I wrote that day.   My heart is both excited and nervous....because this is one of the biggest decisions of my life.  So I'm still praying about it, and I think it is to premature to say a firm "YES," but the possibility of me coming back is strong. 

This week was a little more "relaxing" since we have been going hard in ministry on daily basis.    I went out again with my friend Maricel to Panabo, a small town about 45mins away, to visit her family and minister to them.  I was able to share with them some simple truths about who Jesus is and how the Gospel has changed my life.   Also, we had to take a bus to get there and we were able to preach on the bus...Maricel always keeps me on my toes! And her Fire really challenges me, I love it!
Maricel Preaching on the Bus
The team had several birthdays this week, so we went bowling and to Hagimit Falls for some fellowship and celebration :) (and preaching on the ferry ride back from the falls)
waiting to jump off the waterfall :)
Sir Mike Bailey preaching on the Ferry
This week the whole team also went to the Erbs property for a team picture.  It was BEAUTIFUL.  The Erbs have a school and farming work.  Pictures Below:
Rainbow in the clouds as we were driving to the Erb's Property
My roommate Rika & I enjoying chocolate goat milk popsicles! Yummy!
View from the Property--see the mountains?!
Erbs Property, farming on the hill behind us.
We also went to Samal Island on Saturday for our first outreach of many.  We will be going to Samal every Saturday in preparation for a crusade in November.   We prayed and witnessed to many, and are in contact with several of the Filipinos that we spoke with. 

So the week was long but good.   Thank you all for your support and prayers.  I do ask that you continue to pray for grace and protection.  Witchcraft here is strong, and the attacks are increasing as we become more active in pursuing the vision God has placed before us here.

As always, thank you for your support and prayers!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Week I Fell in Love with the Philippines

Greetings from the islands of the Philippines!

I was able to tour the city this week with a Filipina and not only see the sights but minister to whoever we felt led to one the way. We went several places, including back to Agdao to visit a man we had previously prayed for and follow up with him.  We also went to China town and ate a traditional Filipino lunch.
Then, she took to me to the lowest-income group in the city--a tribal group of nomadic Muslims.  She warned me before we went that it might be overwhelming and that I was only the second missionary she would take there because of the simple fact that it is extreme poverty....But I was up for the adventure!  So we went through different Muslim Sections of the city until we finally reached this group.  They live directly above the ocean, their houses are on stilts and there are planks of coconut lumber on stilts as walkways(it was very unsteady w/nothing to hold onto so unfortunately I do not have photos, especially since children rush people w/cameras),you would never know it was the ocean because it is just full of garbage underneath the houses and walkways in this little ocean community.  We met with a pastor there who encouraged us to walk on the planks avoiding certain areas because she can not handle the stench(and she lives there!).  So it was a honor and privilege to see this area and meet the people.
This is a picture of the area, but this is on the outside, so this is mild in comparison to what I did not get to photograph.

Later in the week I went to the Agdao Church feeding program.  First we went into the neighborhoods and gathered children and then brought them to the church to feed them food and scripture!  I was able to talk with some very cute children, see for your self below :)
Eating Chocolate Rice :)
Then, Brenda  Naska, a missionary here, arranged a girls night for myself, Rika (my roommate), and all the single Filipinas.  We shared our hearts, testimonies, and there was a lot of laughter as we got to know each other better.

Yesterday we went to the Island of Samal to swim at the waterfall.  Unfortunately,  we didn't swim at the waterfall because it had rained the night before and made the water murky instead of clear.   So we went to the beach instead and had an amazing time swimming, looking for sea creatures and shells. We took a bus & ferry to get to the island, and when we got off the bus on the island 35+ men on motorcycles surrounded us trying to get our business.  I was laughing so hard because they were running like crazy bringing their motorcycles to us--and then finally the filipinas we were with picked two motorcycles.  So I was on a motorcycle with me, the driver and two other filipinas!  It was soooo much fun riding through the island and mountains on that packed motorcycle.  Below are pictures:
The falls

Joanna & I at the beach
This is an example of my motorcycle ride :)
The Beach as we were leaving...
This is the bathroom sign at the beach :)

So the week has been jam-packed with fun, adventure, and love.  I am falling in love with the Philippines that is for sure!!  I  have pictures up on facebook for APRIL and MAY, please take a look!   I miss you all and cannot wait to see you all face-to-face again!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I am in the Philippines :)

I have safely arrived in the Philippines!  The travel - all 30 hours of it - went well and my luggage and myself arrived with no issues :).  I'm sorry  I have not been able to blog sooner, internet here can be a little fussy and with the FIRE School of ministry team being here for the past 10 days we were BUSY!

I now live in the city of Davao. It has a population of about 1.3 million and it is very active.  However, it is not a city like NYC, Chicago, etc.  There are areas of extreme poverty and lack, people living in houses made of scrap metal, tin, and bamboo.  It is not what you think of when you think "city."  I will post more pics of the city as the adventure continues. :)

In the past 10 days I was able to see almost every ministry associated with FIRE International here in the Philippines.  We went into impoverished parts of the city to "door-to-door" evangelize, had 4 night services focused on bringing in the lost with the demonstration of the Spirit in power, we went to a garbage dump where people live in New Carmen, visited a school just past the garabage dump in New Carmen, put on a basketball outreach (Basketball is HUGE here!), visited Samal Island(which is where the Hope for all Children Property is), and drove 3 hours into the mountains of Malita & Talacunga and ministered in small churches, door-to-door--and my favorite in a small church that was in a very small remote village in the mountains.  Needless to say we were busy.  Pictures Below, video to come :)

Girls at the School in New Carmen Sang and did a dance for us 
In New Carmen I received a word of knowledge that a woman had a injured her right arm - and she was healed! Praise God!
This is the Dump in New Carmen where people live, literally on top of the garbage and its surrounding area

Samal Island Property - - the ground is all broken up and ready to be used for crops to feed the orphans
another view of Samal, the property is 37 acres!
The woman on the far left was once the only pastor on the entire Island, she used to walk through what is now our property praying for laborers!
Meetings in Agdao, if you look closely you can see most people are on the floor :)
Some children from the door to door outreach in Agdao
Onlookers at the basketball outreach:  The woman with the scarf on her head the Lord showed me ahead of time in my prayer time, so imagine how surprised she was when I shared several words of knowledge with her.  She was full of joy & blessed by Gods unending love.
Basketball Outreach : I was able to pray for a sick man with Sean Graham in the house all the way to the left.  It was an awesome time of freedom as they fell under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and began throwing out all their witch doctor items, etc.  And then they directed us to their brother's and sister's houses to pray for them too!
Tears flowed as we ministered in Malita Night Meetings
It was an awesome opprotunity to participate with the team from FIRE for the first week of my internship.  As they left, my heart was at peace and I am eagerly anticipating the coming weeks.  Thank you all for supporting this trip, it is already been a life-changing experience.  


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Hey Ya'll!--or if your one of my northern friends/family, "Hey Guys,"

Life has been increasingly become more and more busy as I spend my last few weeks preparing for my internship in the Philippines and actively serving in Ministry, school, and work.  In the midst of this busy life however, I have been overwhelmed by the fruit and faithfulness of God.

In my last post I mentioned I was helping plan a Sanctity of Life Weekend.   The dinner was an overwhelming success, with 300+ in attendance from different churches throughout the Charlotte area.   David Benham, a local business man, shared the vision to end abortion in Charlotte, and then repeat the pattern in other cities.
We then invited everyone out the Latrobe clinic that Saturday morning for a worship service.  About 40-50 people came out and it did not take long for the "pro-choice" group to arrive.  It was disheartening to see their hard hearts displayed in their signs stating "I LOVE THIS CLINIC" and so on.  They completely missed why we were there, we don't go out to these clinics to protest, we go out there to show the Love of Christ--and  through Him we present other options aside from abortion. The activists would not speak with us, but nonetheless, we shared the Gospel with them and babies lives were saved that day.   The Photo below shows one half of the driveway, you can see the pro-life and pro-choice mix:
A few weeks later I was given the opportunity to share during a Chapel service at school.  I shared the vision for the Wendover Clinic and the importance of our awareness of the giants in our land in our age.  I also shared a video, "The Hard Truth," which you can see on You tube, but I warn you it is graphic but it is necessary to understand the truth of what abortion is. 
I was so happy to have students come to me and express there new interest in the clinic.  Being that I have, as of now, five more weeks at the school my heart longed to see students interested in "carrying the torch" after me.  One couple in particular, Sean & Carla Graham, have really stepped up and I am glad this ministry will be left in good hands.  Since that chapel service, we have had about 15-20 students come to the clinic each Saturday.  We focus on prayer, worship, and sidewalk counseling.
It has been a pleasure to minister along side my fellow students and see their hearts grow for the lost in this specific area.  Please keep the Wendover Clinic in prayer--Specifically for God's presence to rest upon that place, so that the Love of God would bring conviction and ultimately close the clinic.

Lastly, in just under six weeks--yes, SIX weeks I will be heading off for the Philippines! As excited as I am, I still need some more funds and to tie some loose ends here and there.  Please be in prayer that all finances would be raised and that God would give me grace to get done all that needs to be done.  

Thank you for your support and prayers!

Bethany Ricci
Psalm 138